

Removes the specified `nodeName` from within or surrounding the given Range

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Support the dependencies of webmodules/unwrap-range

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Array of "block level elements" defined by the HTML specification
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Find the closest ancestor matching a selector string
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Query the DOM with selector engine fallback support
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Lightweight debugging utility for Node.js and the browser
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Returns the `document` object from a DOM object
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Returns a Range instance selecting text within an HTML Element, at start and end offsets
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Cross-browser polyfill for `Range#extractContents()`
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Cross-browser polyfill for `Range#insertNode()`
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ES6 Iterator that iterates over the Nodes of a Range
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Cross-browser normalization of DOM Range start and end containers
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Determine where a collapsed Range is positioned relative to a DOM Node
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Uses DOM markers to save a Range's boundaries for loading later
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Splits an HTMLElement in the location marked by a range
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Unwraps a given DOM element and returns a Range surrounding its child nodes
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Wraps a DOM Range instance with the specified DOM node name
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simple browser testing

Support the repos that depend on webmodules/unwrap-range

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Command implementation based on `wrap-range` and `unwrap-range`

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TooTallNate's profile
83 contributions

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