

Translate path from real to virtual and vice versa.

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Support the dependencies of wandalen/wpathtranslator

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Collection of general purpose tools for solving problems. Fundamentally extend the language without spoiling, so may be used solely or in conjunction with another module of such kind.
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Copyable mixin adds copyability and clonability to your class. The module uses defined relation to deduce how to copy / clone the instance.
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Framework for convenient unit testing. Testing provides the intuitive interface, simple tests structure, asynchronous code handling mechanism, colorful report, verbosity control and more. Use the module to get free of routines which can be automated.
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Collection of cross-platform routines to operate paths reliably and consistently. PathBasic leverages parsing, joining, extracting, normalizing, nativizing, resolving paths. Use the module to get uniform experience from playing with paths on different platforms.

Support the repos that depend on wandalen/wpathtranslator

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Experimental. Class to execute a collection of templates with inlined JavaScript code to instantiate it. A collection of templates could be co-dependent in which case FileExecutor deduce dependencies and correct order of templates executions.

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Wandalen's profile
591 contributions
vmihdal's profile
9 contributions
JackieJoo's profile
4 contributions
dmvict's profile
2 contributions

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