

Collection of strategies to convert complex data structures from one GDF ( generic data format ) to another GDF

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Support the dependencies of wandalen/wgdf

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Collection of general purpose tools for solving problems. Fundamentally extend the language without spoiling, so may be used solely or in conjunction with another module of such kind.
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Fast Pure JavaScript MessagePack Encoder and Decoder
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Unfancy JavaScript
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Framework for convenient unit testing. Testing provides the intuitive interface, simple tests structure, asynchronous code handling mechanism, colorful report, verbosity control and more. Use the module to get free of routines which can be automated.
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Copyable mixin adds copyability and clonability to your class. The module uses defined relation to deduce how to copy / clone the instance.
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JavaScript to CoffeeScript compiler

Support the repos that depend on wandalen/wgdf

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Collection of cross-platform routines to execute system commands, run shell, batches, launch external processes from JavaScript application. Module Process leverages not only outputting data from an application but also inputting, makes application arguments parsing and accounting easier. Use the module to get uniform experience from interaction with an external processes on different platforms and operating systems.
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Collection of basic classes to abstract files systems and partly good defined API for general algorithms on files.
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Collection of files transformers for Files module. Use it to read configs in different formats.
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Standardized abstract interface to open / read / parse image with collection of plugins.

Top contributors

Wandalen's profile
686 contributions
vmihdal's profile
54 contributions
Artem-Bohush's profile
33 contributions
dmvict's profile
14 contributions
JackieJoo's profile
10 contributions

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