

EventEmitter extension.

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Check if array is absolutely empty.
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Determines if you're on a server or a client
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Call the method once but better.
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Functional instanceof.
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Extract designated parameter and default to a given value if undefined.
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Class blueprint
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Checks entity if array, arguments, iterable or array-like.
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Checks if array contains the given value.
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Shallow equal.
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Check if method has been called.
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Check if the value is undefined, null, empty string, NaN and Infinity.
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Check if array contains something.
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Makes your object properties hard.
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Extensive inheritance.
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Get trace identity.
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Checks if key exists on the entity.
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Marks the entity with special trace identification.
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Checks if entity is marked by unique symbol.
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Get symbol property value.
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Flatten arrays
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Determine type of property.
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Pick elements based on condition.
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Convert entity to Array instance.
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Get remaining elements starting from the given index.
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Chain static attachment.
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Attach child initialization to parent initialization.
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I think therefore I am.
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Prevent pipe breaking caused by errors from gulp plugins
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Rename files
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A string replace plugin for gulp
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Pretend entity.
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Check if identity is embedded.
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Safe array element count.
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Cleanse as you exit.
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Merge entity methods with bound context.
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Compare trace identity.
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One-way array difference.
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Flatten arrays with level.
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Pop spliced elements from array.
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Pick first occurrence of element based on condition.
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Get object's own enumerable values.

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