

Collection of presentational vdux components

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Safe, functional hasOwnProperty
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The identity function.
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Lightweight browser detector
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Babel browserify transform
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local Node/Browser development with Chrome DevTools
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prettifies TAP in the browser's console
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tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
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Soft version of extend. Assigns own properties only if they are undefined in the original object.
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Create an event handler with some sweeter syntax
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Simple shallow extend implementation
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Fast for each.
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List of all valid HTML attributes
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List of valid attributes for an input element
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Map a function over a container of some kind
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Create a function that memoizes the result of a `fn`.
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Normalize a bowser object to a more usable form
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Simple, tiny object omit utility
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Return partial copy of object containing specified subset of keys.
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Prefix style objects based on browser version
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Reduce over the elements of a container
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Run a function n times and aggregate the results into an array
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Positioning component. Use this to position elements in complex ways relative to other elements (e.g. tooltips).
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Modern simple event triggering utility that works with more events than most other things out there.
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Babel + Tape for running your ES Next tests
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Stateless virtual dom <-> Redux

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ashaffer's profile
146 contributions
mweint's profile
38 contributions
queckezz's profile
5 contributions
danleavitt0's profile
1 contributions

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