

Generates bundled Typescript declarations from ESM source w/ JSDoc comments.

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Support the dependencies of typhonjs-node-build-test/esm-d-ts

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Provides several utility functions for working with the file system including a TyphonJS plugin.
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Provides ANSI color logging.
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Provides common object manipulation utility functions and TypeScript type guards.
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Provides several utility functions for working with and retrieving `package.json`.
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Lexes ES modules returning their import/export metadata
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fs-extra contains methods that aren't included in the vanilla Node.js fs package. Such as recursive mkdir, copy, and remove.
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A rollup plugin that will bundle up your .d.ts definition files.
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TypeScript compiler wrapper for static analysis and code manipulation.
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A proxy to `path`, replacing `\` with `/` for all results (supports UNC paths) & new methods to normalize & join keeping leading `./` and add, change, default, trim file extensions.
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Provides shared ESLint configs files for TyphonJS projects.
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TypeScript definitions for node
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TypeScript definitions for cytoscape
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Provides Rollup plugins that resolve import specifiers defined in `package.json` that link other NPM packages.
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Graph theory (a.k.a. network) library for analysis and visualisation
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Generic JSDoc-like comment parser
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Provides a zero config CLI to create API documentation with TypeDoc from `package.json` exports conditions and much more.

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