

Triton client tool and node.js library

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Support the dependencies of tritondatacenter/node-triton

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Extra assertions on top of node's assert module
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Fibonacci and exponential backoffs.
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a JSON logging library for node.js services
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helper lib for creating CLI tools with subcommands; think `git`, `svn`, `zfs`
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extended POSIX-style sprintf
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utilities for primitive JavaScript types
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limit, offset, marker stream
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Recursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p`
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Run a function exactly one time
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read(1) for node programs
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HttpClient, StringClient, and JsonClient extracted from restify
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A deep deletion module for node (like `rm -rf`)
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The semantic version parser used by npm.
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Triton Authentication Library
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split a string by a regular expression
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utilities for observable asynchronous control flow
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richer JavaScript errors
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simple websockets (RFC6455) client and server
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Like which(1) unix command. Find the first instance of an executable in the PATH.
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A Test-Anything-Protocol library for JavaScript
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getpass for node.js
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Collection of Error objects shared across restify components.
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A library for finding and using SSH public keys
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ssh-agent client for use with sshpk
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Wrap those words. Show them at what columns to start and stop.
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a light function for printing a text table to stdout
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Because if you're going to hide behind a spinner, it should at least be a Big Spinner.

Support the repos that depend on tritondatacenter/node-triton

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Triton Container Watcher
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Ansible Inventory plug in for Triton Data Center
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Manta-based system for core and crash dump analysis
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Deploys services to Triton
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Provision a Triton instance from your Gruntfile.

Top contributors

trentm's profile
353 contributions
bahamas10's profile
101 contributions
bahamat's profile
17 contributions
kusor's profile
15 contributions
twhiteman's profile
10 contributions
cburroughs's profile
7 contributions
YangYong3's profile
6 contributions
arekinath's profile
5 contributions
jclulow's profile
3 contributions
joshwilsdon's profile
3 contributions

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