

Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in the browser, powered by vector tiles and WebGL

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Support the dependencies of tommy2gis/mapbox-gl-js

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a point geometry with transforms
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Browser-side SDF font generator
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unit bezier curve interpolation
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Parses vector tiles
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browserify fs.readFileSync() static asset inliner
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Browserify transform that compiles es2015 to es5 using Bublé
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The fastest and smallest JavaScript polygon triangulation library for your WebGL apps
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Slice GeoJSON data into vector tiles efficiently
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A 2D spatial index for axis-aligned boxes
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parse argument options
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a low-level, lightweight protocol buffers implementation in JavaScript
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A tiny and fast selection algorithm in JavaScript.
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Now stdin and stdout are files.
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A very fast geospatial point clustering library.
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A tiny wrapper around Node.js streams.Transform (Streams2/3) to avoid explicit subclassing noise
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The smallest and simplest JavaScript priority queue
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Serialize mapbox vector tiles to binary protobufs in javascript.
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Add support for RTL languages to mapbox-gl-js.
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Custom parser for ESLint
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browser-side require() the node way
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takes json-cov output into stdin and POSTs to
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a documentation generator
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Selectively replace Node-style environment variables with plain strings.
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A strict ESLint config for my JavaScript projects
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Flowtype linting rules for ESLint.
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A ESLint plugin to lint and fix inline scripts contained in HTML files.
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Additional ESLint's rules for Node.js
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React specific linting rules for ESLint
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Javascript Matrix and Vector library for High Performance WebGL apps (Mapbox custom build)
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enforce winding order for geojson
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Validate JSON
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A library to determine if a browser supports Mapbox GL JS
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Browserify transform to strip package.json of everything but the version
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Shuffle Array based on a Seed
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Browserify transform for unassert: Encourages programming with assertions by providing tools to compile them away
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Browserify transform for removing Flow type annotations.
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launch a web worker that can require() in the browser with browserify
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The React-powered static-site generator you didn't know you wanted
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Copy text into a clipboard with JavaScript and execCommand

Support the repos that depend on tommy2gis/mapbox-gl-js

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Maps for L7
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TypeScript definitions for @mapbox/mapbox-gl-draw
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GoodData.UI SDK - Geo Charts
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Common React library for all XYO projects that use React
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Official repo for Hack Oregon React component library
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Base functionality used throughout XYO TypeScript/JavaScript libraries
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Account's avatar constants used by components, actions and reducers
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A collection of visually accessible maps
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An AngularJS directive for Mapbox GL
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This module adds print control to mapbox-gl.
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This module adds control which can export PDF and images.
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Utilities for working with Mapbox maps

Top contributors

jfirebaugh's profile
1621 contributions
ansis's profile
1277 contributions
mourner's profile
1120 contributions
kkaefer's profile
502 contributions
tmcw's profile
459 contributions
lucaswoj's profile
304 contributions
yhahn's profile
296 contributions
ChrisLoer's profile
221 contributions
tristen's profile
158 contributions
anandthakker's profile
156 contributions

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