

Functional methods like forEach, map, filter, and other Array methods for Objects in javascript

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Support the dependencies of tjmehta/object-loops

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common javascript utils that can be required selectively that assume es5+
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assertion library
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Test utility
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Simple monitor script for use during development of a Node.js app.
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JavaScript test spies, stubs and mocks.
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JavaScript Standard Style
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recursively transform key strings to camel-case
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recursively transform key strings to dash-case

Support the repos that depend on tjmehta/object-loops

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Mock for Docker
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allows validation of rethinkdb reql queries using a whitelist of reql validators. this was specifically designed to work w/ rethinkdb-primus.
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Create ReQL from RethinkDB AST
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Errors and errorHandler useful for "coworkers" applications
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A schema definition module for RabbitMQ graphs and messages
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Use rethinkdb over a primus connection
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A schema definition module for RabbitMQ ('rabbitmq-schema') extended with the x-lvc exchange type
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JavaScript SDK core layer for Onfido identity verification
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split an array ( or object) into multiple using filters

Top contributors

tjmehta's profile
80 contributions
rstacruz's profile
1 contributions

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