

basic clone of github api using js-git

BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Support the dependencies of tidepool-org/restify-git-json

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Git Implemented in JavaScript
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REST framework
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a JSON logging library for node.js services
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A convenience wrapper for js-git preconfigured for node.js
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construct pipes of streams of events
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test framework agnostic BDD-style assertions
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tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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Mocha/blanket coverage reporter for travis-ci.
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seamless js code coverage
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takes json-cov output into stdin and POSTs to coveralls.io
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Simplified HTTP request client.
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LCOV reporter for Mocha
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A js-git platform implementation for node.js
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A js-git interface adapter that implements db using fs.
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pkt-line encoder and decoder as min-stream
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normalize urls
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Create a readable stream composed of multiple parts of an overall MIME multipart section

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