

Rule-based plural library for node.js

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Support the dependencies of swang/plural

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simple, flexible, fun test framework

Support the repos that depend on swang/plural

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Entity library for Databases and Servers
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Entity library for Databases and Servers
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Some tooling for GraphQL
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Entity for everything :D
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Command line interface for managing WebGME apps
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API wrapper for Marvel Comics
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Downloads and converts Zillow neighborhood boundaries as GeoJSON
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JS script which can transform English time in the text.
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Downloads and converts US Census TIGER data representing all boundaries in the United States
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simple http request library based on request-promise
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ServerFramework ============== <pre> [![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/node-server-1412.png?downloads=true&downloadRank=true&stars=true)](https://nodei.co/npm/node-server-1412/)<br/> [![NPM version](https://badge.fury.io/js/node-server-1412.png)](http://badge.fury.io/js/node-server-1412) [![Stories in Ready](https://badge.waffle.io/1412/servertemplate.png?label=ready)](http://waffle.io/1412/servertemplate) [![build status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/1412/servertemplate)](http://travis-ci.org/1412/servertemplate) </pre> ## Installing
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Nodejs project generator, able to generate framework and entity classes.
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Command line interface for managing WebGME apps
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Appcelerator package manager
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Libraries we use in our projects
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Terminal App for scaffolding and creating files based on templates
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Appcelerator package manager
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Automatically generate a CHANGELOG based off your commit messages.
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Automatically generate a CHANGELOG based off your commit messages.
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Entity library for Databases and Servers
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Talks in HTTP to tempus api
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A command line tool for manage LCUI application
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Downloads and converts Statistics Canada census data representing all boundaries in Canada
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Downloads and converts Zillow neighborhood boundaries as GeoJSON
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Some tooling for GraphQL
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Downloads, converts, and indexes US Census TIGER data representing all boundaries in the United States to RethinkDB.
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Some tooling for GraphQL

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swang's profile
43 contributions
ivolkoff's profile
1 contributions

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