

Bootstrap Boilerplate with lots of plugin integration

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Support the dependencies of sumitprojects/sumit-bootstrap-boilerplate

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The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
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AutoFill for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap4](
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DataTables for jQuery with styling for [Bootstrap4](
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Buttons for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap4](
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ColReorder for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap4](
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FixedColumns for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap4](
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FixedHeader for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap4](
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KeyTable for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap4](
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Responsive for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap4](
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RowGroup for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap4](
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RowReorder for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap4](
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Scroller for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap4](
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Select for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap4](
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JavaScript library for DOM operations
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Create, read and edit .zip files with JavaScript
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Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates
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Client/server side PDF printing in pure JavaScript
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The JavaScript Task Runner
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Bootswatch is a collection of themes for Bootstrap.
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Realtime Cross-Browser Automation
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Get the Font Awesome unicode character by the icon name.

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sumitprojects's profile
18 contributions
dependabot[bot]'s profile
2 contributions

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