

REPL presentation.

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Test if an object has a specified property.
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Test if a value is a boolean.
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Test if a value is a function.
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Test if a value is a number having an integer value.
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Test if a value is a plain object.
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Test if a value is a number having a positive integer value.
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Test if a value is a string.
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Boolean indicating if the current process is running on Windows.
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Command-line interface.
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Read the entire contents of a file.
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Return the current working directory.
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Read data from stdin.
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Return a regular expression to match a newline character sequence.
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Replace search occurrences with a replacement string.
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Insert supplied variable values into a format string.
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Trim whitespace characters from the beginning and end of a string.
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Determine the name of a value's constructor.
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Define a non-enumerable read-only accessor.
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Define a non-enumerable read-only property.
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Implement prototypical inheritance by replacing the prototype of one constructor with the prototype of another constructor.
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Function which does nothing.
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Lightweight debugging utility for Node.js and the browser
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Write data to a file.
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Replace search occurrences with a replacement string.
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Return an array of an object's own enumerable property names.
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Emoji codes and pictographs.
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Restrict a double-precision floating-point number to a specified range.
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Return the maximum value.
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Wrap a value on the half-open interval [min,max).
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REPL environment.
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Convert a string to lowercase.
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Repeat a string a specified number of times and return the concatenated result.
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Test if a string starts with the characters of another string.
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Define a non-enumerable property.
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Add a callback to the next tick queue.
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Open a file.
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Read the entire contents of a directory.
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Return a filename extension.
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Define a configurable read-only accessor.
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Close a file descriptor.
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Define a configurable read-only property.

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