

A database of unforgeable append-only feeds, optimized for efficient replication for peer to peer protocols

MIT License
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Support the dependencies of ssbc/ssb-db

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simpler faster substitute for LRU
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Recursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p`
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Validation library for muxrpc apis
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minimal pull stream
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A deep deletion module for node (like `rm -rf`)
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keyfile operations for ssb
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test wether a string is a valid ssb reference type
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custom error construction
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Formatted TAP output like Mocha's spec reporter
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tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
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modular database made from streams of logs
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a flumelog based on offset into a file
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a flumeview on level
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flumeview as a reduce function
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simple and lightweight observer
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concatenate pull-streams
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message-processing tools for secure-scuttlebutt
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pretty print for binary buffers
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a pull-stream which may be aborted
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simplified validation for secure-scuttlebutt
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create secure peer to peer networks using secret-handshakes
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scuttlebot plugin for indexing all link mentions of messages
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create and validate ssb feeds
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an secret-stack plugin which adds private-box (v1) auto-box/unbox functionality
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comparison for sensible javascript objects
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a scuttlebutt (secret-stack) plugin which adds envelope encryption capabilities

Support the repos that depend on ssbc/ssb-db

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network protocol layer for secure-scuttlebutt
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network protocol layer for secure-scuttlebutt
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scuttlebot, optimised for tre and embedding into bay-of-plenty
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A decentralized messaging and sharing app built on top of Secure Scuttlebutt (SSB).
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distribution of secure scuttlebutt
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Scuttlebutt bot that read RSS feeds and post updates automatically. Tons of new features compared to original ssb-bot-feed.
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Spins up an empty, temporary ssb-server server that stores data in your temp folder
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Generate a simulated .ssb folder
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network protocol layer for secure-scuttlebutt
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Scuttlebutt bot that read RSS feeds and post updates automatically. Tons of new features compared to original ssb-bot-feed.

Top contributors

dominictarr's profile
854 contributions
christianbundy's profile
163 contributions
mixmix's profile
74 contributions
pfrazee's profile
60 contributions
arj03's profile
27 contributions
gmarcos87's profile
10 contributions
mmckegg's profile
10 contributions
staltz's profile
10 contributions
Connoropolous's profile
6 contributions
donpdonp's profile
6 contributions

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