

Streams flow endlessly, Data dances gracefully, sflow guides the way. 🚀

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Support the dependencies of snomiao/sflow

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TypeScript definitions for d3
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Data-Driven Documents
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All essential TypeScript types in one place
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TypeScript definitions for bun
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TypeScript definitions for jest
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TypeScript definitions for node
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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Lightweight and faster alternative to Ramda with included TS definitions
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TypeScript's largest utility library
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Unwinds arrays in the similar way like MongoDB $unwind. Supports shallow and deep nested paths, defined as a string with dot notation.
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helper methods to create, pipe and map webstreams
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Simple key-value storage with support for multiple backends
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HOF(High order function) to cache a function with keyv
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A Proxy object that can nest itself when accessed

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