

🖋️ Rich Text Editor for angular using ProseMirror

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Support the dependencies of sibiraj-s/ngx-editor

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Angular - animations integration with web-animations
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Angular - commonly needed directives and services
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Angular - the compiler library
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Angular - the core framework
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Angular - directives and services for creating forms
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Angular - library for using Angular in a web browser
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Angular - library for using Angular in a web browser with JIT compilation
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Angular - the routing library
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Reactive Extensions for modern JavaScript
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Runtime library for TypeScript helper functions
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Zones for JavaScript
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Angular Webpack Build Facade
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Angular CLI builder for ESLint
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ESLint plugin for Angular applications, following
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ESLint plugin for Angular Templates
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Angular Schematics for angular-eslint
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Angular Template parser for ESLint
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CLI tool for Angular
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Angular - the compiler CLI for Node.js
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JavaScript language support for the CodeMirror code editor
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Lint your commit messages
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Shareable commitlint config enforcing conventional commits
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TypeScript definitions for jasmine
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Basic configuration for the CodeMirror code editor
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Eslint shareable config with personalized defaults
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Modern native Git hooks
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Detect if the current environment is a CI server
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Simple JavaScript testing framework for browsers and node.js
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Spectacular Test Runner for JavaScript.
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A Karma plugin. Launcher for Chrome and Chrome Canary.
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A Karma plugin. Generate code coverage.
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A Karma plugin - adapter for Jasmine testing framework.
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Lint files staged by git
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Compile and package Angular libraries in Angular Package Format (APF)
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A Prettier Plugin for formatting Astro files
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Editing commands for ProseMirror
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ProseMirror's document model
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ProseMirror editor state
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ProseMirror's view component
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Positioning library for floating elements: tooltips, popovers, dropdowns, and more
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Floating UI for the web
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TypeScript definitions for trusted-types
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A Karma plugin. Dynamically displays tests results at debug.html page
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Undo history for ProseMirror
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Automatic transforms on text input for ProseMirror
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Keymap plugin for ProseMirror
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List-related schema elements and commands for ProseMirror
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ProseMirror with CodeMirror 6

Top contributors

sibiraj-s's profile
1095 contributions
dependabot[bot]'s profile
13 contributions
paulirwin's profile
3 contributions
ludoviccarretti's profile
2 contributions
raphael-inglin-ergon's profile
2 contributions
schmoizz's profile
2 contributions
asgerrud's profile
1 contributions
Dorifor's profile
1 contributions
florianpasteur's profile
1 contributions
fredmabire's profile
1 contributions

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