

CoffeeScript's Make

MIT License
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Support the dependencies of shimaore/cake

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Recursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p`
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A parser generator with Bison's API

Support the repos that depend on shimaore/cake

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A simple CLI for scaffolding Vue.js projects.
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Embedded CoffeeScript templates
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CoffeeScript template engine
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A general purpose Photoshop file parser.
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Haml templates where you can write inline CoffeeScript.
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Realtime-web framework for nodejs
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a shell like echo for node.js
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A Karma plugin. Compile coffee script on the fly.
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Express middleware for all meshblu auth styles
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Let a Hundred Colors Glow.
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Tools for configuring npm (package.json) and webpack (webpack.config.js)
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Sane JavaScript Types FTW
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Meshblu core manager for whitelists
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require CoffeeScript files on-the-fly without precompilation up to 2000% faster than the official package
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Markup as CoffeeScript.
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Sprockets-esque script concatenation for Node
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Compiler implementations for electron-compile
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Coffeescript compiler wrapper adding coffee-react-transform CJSX support
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A parser plugin for fis to compile coffee script.
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A CoffeeScript documentation generator.
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Meshblu Core Job Manager
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Recursively search a file in given directory from file name or RegExp
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Markup as CoffeeScript.
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CoffeeScript minimalist interface to express, and others
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CompoundJS - MVC framework for NodeJS
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Safe parsing of CSON files
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Express middleware that knows what an error is, and isn't afraid to use it
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Markdox is a documentation generator based on Dox and Markdown with support for JavaScript, CoffeeScript and IcedCoffeeScript.
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Auto Discover Build Utility
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a javascript coverage tool, can be used in node dev, and browser side js dev
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Salesforce API Connection Library for Node.js Applications
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simple request library for node
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Watch files (using a path, wildcards, or a regex) and execute a function or shell command.

Top contributors

jashkenas's profile
2188 contributions
michaelficarra's profile
369 contributions
satyr's profile
166 contributions
TrevorBurnham's profile
68 contributions
geraldalewis's profile
53 contributions
StanAngeloff's profile
49 contributions
epidemian's profile
43 contributions
cehoffman's profile
31 contributions
matehat's profile
24 contributions
thejh's profile
18 contributions

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