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Support the dependencies of shawn-sandy/blacktie

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Script for registering service worker, with hooks
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The progressive JavaScript framework for building modern web UI.
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A simpler static site generator.
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Prism.js based syntax highlighting for Markdown, Liquid, Nunjucks, WebC, and 11ty.js templates.
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babel plugin for vue-cli
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eslint plugin for vue-cli
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pwa plugin for vue-cli
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local service for vue-cli projects
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eslint-config-prettier for create-vue
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The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
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Chance - Utility library to generate anything random
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Plugin copying files to a new destination and using that destination for other actions
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Lerna is a fast, modern build system for managing and publishing multiple JavaScript/TypeScript packages from the same repository
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A simple base class for creating fast, lightweight web components
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Offline storage, improved.
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Wrapper around libsass
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template compiler for Vue 2.0
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Webpack plugin and CLI utility that represents bundle content as convenient interactive zoomable treemap
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Let webpack generate all your favicons and icons for you
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Generate an Atom, RSS, or JSON feed with Eleventy.
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Prints names of files to the console so that you can see what's going through the the gulp pipe.
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Display the size and gzipped size of your project, trigger alarm when file size is higher as expected
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Replace strings in files by using string or regex patterns.
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handlebars loader module for webpack
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Lightweight javascript library for DOM manipulation and events
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Animate scrolling to anchor links
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Vue components style guide generator

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shawnsandy's profile
804 contributions
shawn-sandy's profile
27 contributions

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