

A higher-level module for creating content models using levelup as db.

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Support the dependencies of sethvincent/level-model

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Port of jQuery.extend for node.js and the browser
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A tiny wrapper around Node.js streams.Transform (Streams2/3) to avoid explicit subclassing noise
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Browser-friendly inheritance fully compatible with standard node.js inherits()
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LevelUp + MemDown
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JavaScript Standard Style
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Formatted TAP output like Mocha's spec reporter
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tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
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Currying in javascript. Like .bind() without also setting `this`.
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Collision-resistant ids optimized for horizontal scaling and performance. For node and browsers.
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Generate JSON object from default values in JSON Schema
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Create multiple indexes of data stored in a leveldb using level-indexer
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Split a levelup database into sublevels with their own keyspace, encoding and events
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Fast & simple storage - a Node.js-style LevelDB wrapper (a convenience package bundling LevelUP & LevelDOWN or Level.js)
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in-memory advisory read/write locks for leveldb keys

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sethvincent's profile
60 contributions
ajoslin's profile
3 contributions

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