

Meta package which contains the centralized documentation and possible help utilities for our Node.js software stack

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Support the dependencies of sendanor/nor-stack

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Simple JavaScript test functions
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Asynchronous file system library with chainable Q promises for Node.js
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NoSQL Library for PostgreSQL
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Express/Connect Session Store in nor-nopg
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Sendanor Express addons
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Debug helpers for Node.js apps
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Helpers for dealing with JavaScript data
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Registration API module
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Profile API module
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Node.js crypt(3) bindings
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Currency Library for Node.js
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Sendanor REST client for Node.js
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PassportJS with NoPg setup
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Flags library for Javascript
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Library to manage routes configuration file
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Reference parsing library
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Version helper
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CSV Stringifier/Parser
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Asynchronous HTML email sending with Markdown formating
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Helpers for API modules
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Session API builder
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Our newrelic CLI utility
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Github API library for Node.js
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jQuery REST client plugin for Sendanor REST APIs
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Prettified error handling for Node.js

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thejhh's profile
18 contributions

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