

The React component library for startups, built with Chakra UI.

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Support the dependencies of saas-js/saas-ui

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Next generation testing framework powered by Vite
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Super-fast alternative for babel
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TypeScript definitions for node
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TypeScript plugin for ESLint
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An ESLint custom parser which leverages TypeScript ESTree
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Run scripts that set and use environment variables across platforms
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Modern JavaScript date utility library
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This plugin adds `TypeScript` support to `eslint-plugin-import`
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Modern native Git hooks
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The scalable code generator that saves you time.
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A JavaScript implementation of many web standards
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Lint files staged by git
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React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
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React package for working with the DOM.
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React package for snapshot testing.
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A deep deletion module for node (like `rm -rf`)
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TypeScript execution environment and REPL for node.js, with source map support
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Bundle your TypeScript library with no config, powered by esbuild
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Turborepo is a high-performance build system for JavaScript and TypeScript codebases.
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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Dead simple Object schema validation
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TypeScript-first schema declaration and validation library with static type inference
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Testing utilities that allow you to reuse your stories in your unit tests
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Generate theme typings for autocomplete
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Responsive and accessible React UI components built with React and Emotion
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Best practice rules for Storybook
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A simple and powerful JavaScript animation library
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Node.js releases data
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Brand checking of React Elements.
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The CLI to handle Private Git Submodules in your Vercel Project

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Pagebakers's profile
1850 contributions
iamclaytonray's profile
3 contributions
nadilas's profile
2 contributions
KeKs0r's profile
2 contributions
singodiyashubham87's profile
2 contributions
linus-amg's profile
2 contributions
0wczar's profile
2 contributions
itsjbecks's profile
2 contributions
omeraplak's profile
1 contributions
yl-btr's profile
1 contributions

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