

A tiny utility to make easy to create command line tools that require a config file in an easy way

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Support the dependencies of royriojas/clix

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the most correct and second fastest glob implementation in JavaScript
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option parsing and help generation
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TypeScript plugin for ESLint
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An ESLint custom parser which leverages TypeScript ESTree
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Custom parser for ESLint
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Airbnb's ESLint config, following our styleguide
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Static AST checker for accessibility rules on JSX elements.
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Eslint rules for mocha.
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Runs prettier as an eslint rule
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React specific linting rules for ESLint
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Proxies nodejs require in order to allow overriding dependencies during testing.
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Another console log wrapper with colored support and icons
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A trim method that behaves like jquery.trim
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Yet another changelog generator from git commits, based on conventions and with an optional hook to enforce the rules
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A simple mocha runner that includes chai, sinon, sinon-chai and chai-fuzzy and accepts a list of globs to run
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Watch specific files or directories and re-execute a given command, using `child_process.spawn` instead of the original `child_process.exec` to have a bit more of control. Forked from `watch-run` by `queckezz`

Support the repos that depend on royriojas/clix

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Yet another precommit module that will run tasks defined in a config file or in a `package.json` file, stashing anything that is not supposed to be commited before run the scripts to avoid false positives when running validation like tasks
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A small nodejs module to execute shell commands in parallel
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A simple mocha runner that includes chai, sinon, sinon-chai and chai-fuzzy and accepts a list of globs to run
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yet another less wrapper with some preconfigured plugins, `less-plugin-glob`, `autoprefixes`, and a very useful watch mode
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Yet another prepush script that will run tasks defined in a config file
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Simple wrapper around eslint with support for globs and cache, so files that not changed can be skipped, if previous run passed
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Alternative cli for csscomb with glob support and that only operates on changed files
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A small cli util to detect if the passed JSON file have changed
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Yet another changelog generator from git commits, based on conventions and with an optional hook to enforce the rules
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A cli tool to generate a mixin for each icon defined in the selection.json file from icomoon
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watchify/browserify wrapper with some useful preconfigured transforms and cache support, to remember the files that were processed and speed up the bundling time
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Yet another bump module, but this works exactly like the grunt-bump one, but without grunt
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Simple wrapper around esformatter to beautify javascript files overriding the content of the files

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35 contributions

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