

Event Pubsub for Javascript will work in node js or browser

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Support the dependencies of riaevangelist/event-pubsub

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allows easy type enforcement for all JS types objects and classes. it is also extensible and provides simple to use type checks for your own custom classes and types
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A very simple and fast http server for node, bash, and spawnable from C, Python etc. It is lightweight and great for embedded solutions as well as everyday development or public facing apps.
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minimal test framework for node, browsers, and electron, anywhere javascript can run

Support the repos that depend on riaevangelist/event-pubsub

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A nodejs module for local and remote Inter Process Communication (IPC), Neural Networking, and able to facilitate machine learning.
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A nodejs module for local and remote Inter Process Communication (IPC), Neural Networking, and able to facilitate machine learning.
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A mapboxgl plugin for the Mapbox Search geocoder API
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A nodejs module for local and remote Inter Process Communication (IPC), Neural Networking, and able to facilitate machine learning.
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Full official phidget interface API for node.js
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A nodejs module for local and remote Inter Process Communication (IPC), Neural Networking, and able to facilitate machine learning.
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A nodejs module for local and remote Inter Process Communication (IPC), Neural Networking, and able to facilitate machine learning.
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extendable node module to allow control of any Parrot Mini Drone
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A nodejs module for local and remote Inter Process Communication (IPC), Neural Networking, and able to facilitate machine learning.
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基于 `vue` `ant design vue`和 `[email protected]` ,实现 flowable 的 modeler 模型设计器
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A date range picker component for Vue.js and Tailwind CSS, dependent to day.js
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Official Node SDK for P3Compiled
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A nodejs module for local and remote Inter Process Communication (IPC), Neural Networking, and able to facilitate machine learning.
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RIAEvangelist's profile
92 contributions
vale981's profile
3 contributions
whdahl's profile
1 contributions

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