

A High-Level dynamically typed versatile language for elegant programming and streamlined scripting.

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Support the dependencies of rhpo/luna

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get colors in your node.js console
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beautifier.io for node
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Node module to edit resources of exe
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Unescape JavaScript special characters
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TypeScript definitions for unescape-js
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TypeScript definitions for Keypress
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TypeScript definitions for prompt-sync
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Make any Node ReadableStream emit "keypress" events
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Open the given file path in the File explorer in your OS
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a synchronous prompt for node.js
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Node.js Desktop Automation.
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256 colors, keys and mouse, input field, progress bars, screen buffer (including 32-bit composition and image loading), text buffer, and many more... Whether you just need colors and styles, build a simple interactive command line tool or a complexe terminal app: this is the absolute terminal lib for Node.js!
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TypeScript definitions for js-beautify
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TypeScript definitions for terminal-kit
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TypeScript definitions for open-file-explorer
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Node.js cross-platform wrapper for UPX - the Ultimate Packer for eXecutables

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