

Simple and expressive JSON format for describing rich-text content and their changes

BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Support the dependencies of quilljs/delta

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Fast Javascript text diff
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TypeScript definitions for jasmine
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TypeScript definitions for lodash.clonedeep
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TypeScript definitions for lodash.isequal
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TypeScript definitions for node
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TypeScript plugin for ESLint
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An ESLint custom parser which leverages TypeScript ESTree
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Runs prettier as an eslint rule
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CLI for Jasmine, a simple JavaScript testing framework for browsers and Node
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the Istanbul command line interface
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TypeScript execution environment and REPL for node.js, with source map support
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development

Support the repos that depend on quilljs/delta

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Your powerful, rich text editor
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TypeScript definitions for quill
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Vue 3 rich text editor based on Quill.
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OT type for rich text
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Checks for URLs during typing and pasting and automatically converts them to links.
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Core of the DevExtreme HtmlEditor
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Subcomponent of the Bayou project.
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Your powerful, rich text editor
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> TODO: description
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Your powerful, rich text editor
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Your powerful, rich text editor
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Operational-Transform Based (React) Native Rich Text Editor
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Your powerful, rich text editor
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Your powerful, rich text editor
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Your powerful, rich text editor
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Skhemata Quill Editor Web Component. This web component provides bindings for wysiwyg quill editor.
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OT type for rich text
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Your powerful, rich text editor
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Your powerful, rich text editor
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Your powerful, rich text editor
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Your powerful, rich text editor
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Your powerful, rich text editor
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Subcomponent of the Bayou project.
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Your powerful, rich text editor
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Your powerful, rich text editor
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Your powerful, rich text editor

Top contributors

jhchen's profile
201 contributions
luin's profile
30 contributions
dgreensp's profile
22 contributions
andyjdavis's profile
5 contributions
josephg's profile
3 contributions
stigi's profile
2 contributions
alecgibson's profile
1 contributions
danfuzz's profile
1 contributions
ppeeou's profile
1 contributions
cwohlman's profile
1 contributions

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