

youtube-dl driver for node

MIT License
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Support the dependencies of przemyslawpluta/node-youtube-dl

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Recursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p`
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Lint your commit messages
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Shareable commitlint config enforcing conventional commits
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Organizes and maintains your JSON files readable
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Print all contributors and add it into package.json
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Modern native Git hooks
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Lint files staged by git
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JavaScript Standard Style
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Test your Markdown files for Standard JavaScript Style™
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Asynchronous BDD & continuous integration for node.js
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Simple hh:mm:ss time formatting utility
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Streamify helps you easily provide a streaming interface for code.
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Make a callback- or promise-based function support both promises and callbacks.

Support the repos that depend on przemyslawpluta/node-youtube-dl

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Music plugin for discord.js v11 bots
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youtube mp3 and mp4 download api
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Foorogrammer's Youtube Download API. Easy and Fast
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Data laundering tools
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Download EmberConf videos for offline viewing.
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Youtube cli
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Udacity Nanodegree/course downloader and renderer
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Download music files from Youtube and readily convert them to mp3, pure node style ;)
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An application that will download a playlist from Youtube, and if specified, convert it to .mp3.
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youtube new song downloader mp3
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Youtube Sync downloads Youtube videos as audio files by subscribing to playlist RSS feeds
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Youtube crop, snapshots and GIFs
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Select and download videos and handouts from courses
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A free, open source, scalable social WebXR engine for everyone.
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Fetch YouTube video as file in local
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A TeamSpeak bot in javascript to manage playing audio and music using commands

Top contributors

fent's profile
196 contributions
przemyslawpluta's profile
115 contributions
Kikobeats's profile
103 contributions
brunobg's profile
9 contributions
jaysalvat's profile
7 contributions
Coriou's profile
6 contributions
navispeed's profile
5 contributions
jaimeMF's profile
5 contributions
AssetKid's profile
5 contributions
BarryCarlyon's profile
4 contributions

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