

A faster CLI for Prettier.

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Support the dependencies of prettier/prettier-cli

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Find, read and parse the first matching file found walking the filesystem upwards.
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JSON for Humans
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A library that helps you write tiny, fast and beautiful CLI apps that can automatically check for updates.
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TypeScript definitions for jest
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TypeScript definitions for js-yaml
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TypeScript definitions for node
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Run scripts that set and use environment variables across platforms
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Delightful JavaScript Testing.
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Radix64 encoding, a.k.a. Base64 encoding. An extremely fast and synchronous JS implementation.
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A tiny isomorphic ESM alternative to Node's __dirname global.
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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A tiny isomorphic fast function for generating a cryptographically random hex string.
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Read and write files atomically and reliably.
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A fast parser and processor for .gitignore files.
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A collection of functions for working with different casings.
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A tiny isomorphic batched logger. ~3x faster than regular logging in Node.
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A small, fast, and correct TOML parser/serializer
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Create a Promise which will resolve with the provided value after a timeout.
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An absurdly small JSONC parser.
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A simple promisified recursive readdir function.
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A simple promisified recursive readdir function, with support for globs.
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A simple, yet beautiful, CLI spinner.
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A simple isomorphic library for executing functions inside WebWorkers or Node Threads pools.
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An absurdly small glob matcher that packs a punch.
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A little utility for checking if a glob is fully static.
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jest snapshot serializer for stripping ANSI escape codes
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jest snapshot serializer for reducing escapes in the snapshot file
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A tiny wrapper around "spawn" for executing a command efficiently and conveniently.
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A little utility for escaping globs before passing them to zeptomatch.
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Lodash's memoize function, but in a much smaller package than lodash.memoize's.
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Wraps a function so that it's only ever executed once.
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Simple archive format based on JSON.
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A tiny isomorphic parser and resolver for EditorConfig.
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Alternative JSON.stringify function with sorted keys, so the output is stable.

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fabiospampinato's profile
156 contributions
sosukesuzuki's profile
20 contributions
43081j's profile
14 contributions
fisker's profile
11 contributions
pralkarz's profile
2 contributions
HugoPoi's profile
1 contributions

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