

Show a Leaflet layer using OpenStreetMap data from Overpass API via OverpassFrontend.

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Support the dependencies of plepe/overpass-layer

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turf intersect module
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A Browserify transform for bundling, rebasing, inlining, and minifying CSS files
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convert OSM to geojson
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JS port of the Twig templating language.
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browser-side require() the node way
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A simple zero-configuration command-line http server
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JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps
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JavaScript Standard Style
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watch mode for browserify builds
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turf along module
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turf length module
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turf point-on-feature module
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Implements bounding boxes with usual functions like intersects. Can convert from/to Leaflet bounds and GeoJSON.
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Environment agnostic event emitter
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Escape string for use in html
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A JavaScript (NodeJS/Browser) library to easily access data from OpenStreetMap via Overpass API or from an OSM File. The objects can directly be used with LeafletJS or exported to GeoJSON. Data will be cached in the browser memory.
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Takes a Point and a Geometry (Point, Polygon, LineString, GeometryCollection, ...) and calculates the closest Point on the Geometry using turf.
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Apply a relative pixel offset to polylines without changing their coordinates.
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Shows a text (or a pattern) along a Polyline

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plepe's profile
462 contributions
dependabot[bot]'s profile
6 contributions
xeruf's profile
1 contributions

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