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API and process monitoring with Prometheus for Node.js micro-service

Apache License 2.0
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Support the dependencies of payu/prometheus-api-metrics

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TypeScript definitions for express
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TypeScript definitions for koa
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Lightweight debugging utility for Node.js and the browser
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An easy way to expose properties on a module from a package.json
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Nest - modern, fast, powerful node.js web framework (@common)
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Nest - modern, fast, powerful node.js web framework (@core)
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Nest - modern, fast, powerful node.js web framework (@platform-express)
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Nest - modern, fast, powerful node.js web framework (@testing)
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TypeScript definitions for mocha
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TypeScript definitions for node
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TypeScript definitions for supertest
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Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
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BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic.
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Extends Chai with assertions about promises.
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takes json-cov output into stdin and POSTs to coveralls.io
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Generates TOC for markdown files of local git repo.
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JavaScript Standard Style - ESLint Shareable Config
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This plugin makes 'no-unused-expressions' rule friendly towards chai expect statements.
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Eslint rules for mocha.
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Additional ESLint's rules for Node.js
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Enforce best practices for JavaScript promises
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ESlint Plugin for the Standard Linter
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Router middleware for koa. Maintained by Forward Email and Lad.
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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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HTTP server mocking and expectations library for Node.js
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Mock 'http' objects for testing Express, Next.js and Koa routing functions
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the Istanbul command line interface
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Client for prometheus
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Polyfill for Metadata Reflection API
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Simplified HTTP request client.
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The simplified HTTP request client 'request' with Promise support. Powered by native ES6 promises.
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Easy dependency injection for node.js unit testing
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Reactive Extensions for modern JavaScript
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JavaScript test spies, stubs and mocks.
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SuperAgent driven library for testing HTTP servers
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TypeScript execution environment and REPL for node.js, with source map support
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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TypeScript definitions for express-serve-static-core
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a body parser for Koa

Top contributors

kobik's profile
16 contributions
idanto's profile
13 contributions
dependabot[bot]'s profile
8 contributions
snyk-bot's profile
4 contributions
DinaYakovlev's profile
3 contributions
ugolas's profile
3 contributions
vaditya92's profile
2 contributions
yorch's profile
2 contributions
shyimo's profile
2 contributions
tarlety's profile
1 contributions

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