

A simple QR Code generator in pure JavaScript / node.js library

MIT License
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Support the dependencies of papnkukn/qrcode-svg

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Easy unit testing for node.js and the browser.
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Minifier of js, css, html and img

Support the repos that depend on papnkukn/qrcode-svg

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This package contains the UI part (alerts and toasts) of the Beacon SDK.
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This package contains the UI part (alerts and toasts) of the Beacon SDK.
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This package contains the UI part (alerts and toasts) of the Beacon SDK.
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A javascript utils, url, path-plugins, regexes, string, timer, socket, .etc.
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Generate payment URLs and QR Codes for cryptocurrencies
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Manage your stake in Đash with the CrowdNode Blockchain API
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Library for rendering TruCodes used for identifying Trusona enabled devices
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Redirect desktop users to mobile using QR Codes
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Make a QR code PNG from a string.
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> TODO: description
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Enables the encoding and decoding from/to Uniform Resources of various btc related components(vaults,xpubs and psbts)
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A more civilized wallet for a less civilized age
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Generate payment URLs and QR Codes for cryptocurrencies

Top contributors

StephanHoyer's profile
1 contributions
papnkukn's profile
1 contributions

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