

Express view engine wrapper for Handlebars

MIT License
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Support the dependencies of pankajanupam/hbs

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Handlebars provides the power necessary to let you build semantic templates effectively with no frustration
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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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a package manager for JavaScript
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Simplified HTTP request client.

Support the repos that depend on pankajanupam/hbs

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A modern and powerful server for Node.js
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simple browser testing
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JokTec - Core library
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TDI MC - Core library
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Build infrastructure helpers and gulp tasks for Kendo UI Angular 2 / React components
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Templating methods for rendering the analytics.js snippet.
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Build infrastructure helpers and gulp tasks for Kendo UI Angular 2 / React components
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Cloud CMS Application Server Module
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Base for Domapic Node.js packages
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Test Identity Provider (IdP) for SAML 2.0 Web Browser SSO Profile
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realistic password strength estimation
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Clean, simplistic, enterprise grade full-stack NodeJS framework
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Mish Guru Admin Portal
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Simplify the creation of new Express.js projects that adhere to best practices.
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Utility functions for WarpJS and plugins
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Controls and configures deployments using the GitHub API.
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Building Blocks for Building Bots
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Realm Object Server
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Adds middleware to your express app to autogenerate a page that shows all the events that has ever happend to your entity using the clev-cqrs-ui bound to the clev-cqrs framework.
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Core util for wiring up configuring and running meanair server apps

Top contributors

defunctzombie's profile
107 contributions
donpark's profile
30 contributions
dougwilson's profile
14 contributions
dpolivy's profile
3 contributions
JDillon522's profile
3 contributions
brianc's profile
2 contributions
smolnikov's profile
2 contributions
sn1ckers's profile
2 contributions
gnowoel's profile
2 contributions
jcohen's profile
2 contributions

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