

A utility for generating PDF documents from dynamic content in web applications, such as reports or invoices.

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Support the dependencies of onedionys/onedionys-pdf-generation-utilities

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JavaScript library for DOM operations
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BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic.
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simple, flexible, fun test framework

Support the repos that depend on onedionys/onedionys-pdf-generation-utilities

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One Dionys (Drag Drop Components) - Components that allow users to drag and drop elements in the application.
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One Dionys (DOM Manipulation Helpers) - Auxiliary functions for manipulating DOM elements such as adding, deleting, or updating elements.
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One Dionys (Shop Builder) - A package used to make it easier for developers to develop online stores or generate products.
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One Dionys (Analytics Integration) - Functions for integrating analytics tools such as Google Analytics into web applications.
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One Dionys (CSS Class Manipulation) - Functions to add, remove, or modify CSS classes on DOM elements.
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One Dionys (Animal Bear) - Function to display the name of the Bear animal and only one animal name is displayed.
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One Dionys (Date Languange) - Package used to make it easier for developers to format dates.
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One Dionys (Ajax Wrapper) - Facilitates the use of XMLHttpRequest or Fetch API for HTTP requests with simpler syntax.
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One Dionys (Authentication Tokens Management) - Functions to store, retrieve, and update authentication tokens in web applications.
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One Dionys (Charting Library Integration) - Functions for integrating graphics libraries such as Chart.js or D3.js into web applications.
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One Dionys (DOM Traversal Utilities) - Functions for searching and navigating within the structure of DOM elements.
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One Dionys (Data Formatting Helpers) - Functions to format data such as numbers, dates, or currencies in various formats.
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One Dionys (Debounce Throttle Functions) - Functions to control the frequency of function calls, helping to address the issue of resource abuse.
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One Dionys (Event Handling Library) - A library for easily handling events in web applications.
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One Dionys (Data Storage) - A simple abstraction for storing and retrieving data from local storage or session storage.
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One Dionys (Event Emitter) - Packages to implement the Observer pattern, enabling communication between application components.
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One Dionys (Error Handling Utilities) - Functions to handle and report errors in the application.
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One Dionys(Form Handling Utilities) - Functions to validate, submit, and manage forms in web applications.
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One Dionys (Feature Toggle Utilities) - Functions to enable or disable features in the application based on certain conditions or parameters.
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One Dionys (File Upload Component) - A component to allow users to upload files to the server.
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One Dionys (Form Input Masking) - Functions for adding input patterns to forms such as phone number or postal code formats.
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One Dionys (HTTP Client) - A package for making HTTP requests to a server with easy-to-understand syntax.
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One Dionys (Image Cropping Tool) - A tool for interactively cropping images in web applications.
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One Dionys (Image Loading Utilities) - Functions for loading and manipulating images in web applications.
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One Dionys (Input Autocomplete) - Functions to provide recommendations or auto-complete user input in forms.
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One Dionys (Image Gallery Component) - Component to display an image gallery with navigation and zoom features.
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One Dionys (Number Languange) - A package used to make it easier for developers to format numbers.
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One Dionys (Validation Library) - Packages for user input validation such as emails, URLs, or numbers.
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One Dionys (Cookie Consent Manager) - A component to display notifications and manage user consent to the use of cookies in web applications.
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One Dionys (DOM Mutation Observers) - Functions to observe changes in the DOM and respond dynamically, useful for features such as lazy loading or real-time data delivery.
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One Dionys (Database Abstraction Layer) - An abstraction layer for interacting with different types of databases in web applications, allowing portability and flexibility.
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One Dionys (Animal Cat) - Function to display the name of the Cat animal and only one animal name is displayed.
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One Dionys (Animal Deer) - Function to display the name of the Deer animal and only one animal name is displayed.
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One Dionys (Animal Kangaroo) - Function to display the name of the Kangaroo animal and only one animal name is displayed.
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One Dionys (Animal Koala) - Function to display the name of the Koala animal and only one animal name is displayed.
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One Dionys (Animal Rabbit) - Function to display the name of the Rabbit animal and only one animal name is displayed.

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