

This is a fork of https://gitlab.com/nightlycommit/twing

BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Support the dependencies of ofabel/twing

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TypeScript definitions for luxon
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fs-extra contains methods that aren't included in the vanilla Node.js fs package. Such as recursive mkdir, copy, and remove.
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Convert character encodings in pure javascript.
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Javascript implementation of the L-diggity.
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Immutable date wrapper
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Generate hashes from javascript objects in node and the browser.
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Generates and consumes source maps
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Temporary file and directory creator
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TypeScript definitions for fs-extra
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TypeScript definitions for node
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TypeScript definitions for sinon
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TypeScript plugin for ESLint
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An ESLint custom parser which leverages TypeScript ESTree
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browser-side require() the node way
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takes json-cov output into stdin and POSTs to coveralls.io
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the Istanbul command line interface
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A simple utility to quickly replace text in one or more files.
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A deep deletion module for node (like `rm -rf`)
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JavaScript test spies, stubs and mocks.
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Formatted TAP output like Mocha's spec reporter
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tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
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Headless tape test runner
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TypeScript execution environment and REPL for node.js, with source map support
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Browserify plugin for compiling Typescript
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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A browserify transform which minifies your code using UglifyJS2
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capitalize the first letter of a string, or all words in a string
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A fully Unicode-aware string reverser written in JavaScript.
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Escape special characters to HTML entities in JavaScript
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ES2015 (ES6) Number.isInteger polyfill
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Locutus other languages' standard libraries to JavaScript for fun and educational purposes
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Left and right string padding
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A module that parses a string as regular expression and returns the parsed value.
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Transform into a lower case string with underscores between words
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truncate UTF-8 strings to a given binary size
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TypeScript definitions for locutus
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TypeScript definitions for tape
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TypeScript definitions for tmp
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[ABANDONED] File system recursive finder

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ericmorand's profile
464 contributions
ericmorand-emakina's profile
10 contributions
noel-schenk's profile
5 contributions
JosefBredereck's profile
1 contributions
hason's profile
1 contributions
zomars's profile
1 contributions
RobLoach's profile
1 contributions

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