

You got errors!? We'll display 'em. ZOOID ERRORS!

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Support the dependencies of octoblu/zooid-error-state

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A simple utility for conditionally joining classNames together
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React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
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React Storybook: Isolate React Component Development with Hot Reloading.
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babel module loader for webpack
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BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic.
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JavaScript Testing utilities for React
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Airbnb's ESLint config, following our styleguide
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an eslint rule plugin companion to babel-eslint
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Static AST checker for accessibility rules on JSX elements.
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React specific linting rules for ESLint
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Extract text from bundle into a file.
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A JavaScript implementation of many web standards
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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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A bit of a hack to get multiple reporters working with mocha
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A Mocha reporter. Report results with OSX Notification Center.
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the Istanbul command line interface
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React package for working with the DOM.
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A deep deletion module for node (like `rm -rf`)
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JavaScript test spies, stubs and mocks.
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Extends Chai with assertions for the Sinon.JS mocking framework.
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Packs ECMAScript/CommonJs/AMD modules for the browser. Allows you to split your codebase into multiple bundles, which can be loaded on demand. Supports loaders to preprocess files, i.e. json, jsx, es7, css, less, ... and your custom stuff.
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A React Storybook addon to show additional information for your stories.
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Chai.js assertions for enzyme
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A require hook to compile CSS Modules on the fly
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stylefmt is a tool that automatically formats CSS according to stylelint rules
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Ignore imported style files when running in Node

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iamruinous's profile
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