

Command line tool to convert Node-RED function node, Swagger document, or WoT Thing Description to a custom Node.

Apache License 2.0
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Support the dependencies of node-red/node-red-nodegen

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Format validation for Ajv v7+
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Convert API descriptions between popular formats such as OpenAPI(fka Swagger), RAML, API Blueprint, WADL, etc.
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Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
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get colors in your node.js console
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JavaScript library of crypto standards.
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parse argument options
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Logic-less {{mustache}} templates with JavaScript
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Standalone JavaScript YAML 1.2 Parser & Encoder. Works under node.js and all major browsers. Also brings command line YAML/JSON conversion tools.
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The JavaScript Task Runner
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A simple wrapper for running tests with Mocha.
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the Istanbul command line interface
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Low-code programming for event-driven applications
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A test framework for Node-RED nodes
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A library for promises (CommonJS/Promises/A,B,D)
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test framework agnostic BDD-style assertions
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JavaScript test spies, stubs and mocks.
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SuperAgent driven library for testing HTTP servers
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Plugin for AJV that adds support for some of string formats adding in the draft2019 JSON Schema.
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PARSE and STRINGIFY for CSV strings. It's like JSON object but for CSV. It can also work row by row. And, if can parse strings, it can be use to parse files or streams too.
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Escape strings for use as JavaScript string literals
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A Swagger codegen for JavaScript with support for multipart/form-data uploads

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Top contributors

kazuhitoyokoi's profile
156 contributions
k-toumura's profile
55 contributions
HiroyasuNishiyama's profile
26 contributions
kastentx's profile
9 contributions
knolleary's profile
7 contributions
t-ide's profile
7 contributions
masaeokada's profile
4 contributions
rbordeanu's profile
4 contributions
HirokiUchikawa's profile
4 contributions
dceejay's profile
3 contributions

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