

Test command line on Node.js

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Support the dependencies of node-modules/coffee

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Cross platform child_process#spawn and child_process#spawnSync
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Lightweight debugging utility for Node.js and the browser
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complete type checking for node
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TypeScript definitions for node
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egg developer tool
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Node.js Style Guide for EggJS
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mock mate, mock http request, fs access and so on.
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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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modernize node.js modules to current ECMAScript standards
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the Istanbul command line interface
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spy and mock for simple testcase
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development

Support the repos that depend on node-modules/coffee

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mock server for egg
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Yet Another Commandline Tool
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avet developer tool
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a terminal dictionary
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Custom router class that provides extended functionality for express router
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mock server for egg
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mock server plugin for egg
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A bot that collects information from a user, built for green-bot.
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probably the simplest full-featured client for gitlab api
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patternplate's ever-helpful robot
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JSON diff cli patch, forked from [email protected]:andreyvit/json-diff.git, waiting for exit code 0 PR merged
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mock server for egg
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Pick a random element from a list accroding to the latest BTC hash
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A general purpose Photoshop file parser.
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node + plv8 + pg
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Client-side workflow management for Garlic Tech projects.
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SAML 2.0 node helpers
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compiles ts, coffee, sass/scss, less/ stylus and packs browser ready bundles
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This is i18n file importer to lingohub. It supports the process of continous translations for projects based on i18n json files.

Top contributors

popomore's profile
93 contributions
atian25's profile
16 contributions
fengmk2's profile
10 contributions
DiamondYuan's profile
1 contributions
MondoGao's profile
1 contributions
alsotang's profile
1 contributions
nightink's profile
1 contributions
semantic-release-bot's profile
1 contributions
WittBulter's profile
1 contributions
hotoo's profile
1 contributions

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