

Integrated end-to-end testing framework written in Node.js and using W3C Webdriver API. Developed at @browserstack

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Support the dependencies of nightwatchjs/nightwatch

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TypeScript definitions for chai
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TypeScript definitions for selenium-webdriver
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Convert ansi escaped text streams to html.
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Pretty unicode tables for the command line. Based on the original cli-table.
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The Chrome DevTools Protocol JSON
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Loads environment variables from .env file
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Embedded JavaScript templates
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the most correct and second fastest glob implementation in JavaScript
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A JavaScript implementation of many web standards
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a glob matcher in javascript
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parse argument options
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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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A fast, efficient Node.js Worker Thread Pool implementation
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The semantic version parser used by npm.
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The official JavaScript implementation of Cucumber.
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Super-fast alternative for babel
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TypeScript definitions for node
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TypeScript plugin for ESLint
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An ESLint custom parser which leverages TypeScript ESTree
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Run scripts that set and use environment variables across platforms
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Modern native Git hooks
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Detect if the current environment is a CI server
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Lint files staged by git
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A JUnit reporter for mocha.
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A gorgeous reporter for Mocha.js
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Merge several Mochawesome JSON reports
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A forked of Chai 5 which adds Promise support in order to work with Nightwatch commands.
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Nightwatch HTML reporter template
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Nightwatch Inspector that allows you to tests command directly from the browser
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Programmatic access to the ARIA specification
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Error constructor for test and validation frameworks that implements standardized AssertionError specification.
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Get details about the current Continuous Integration environment
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Match human-quality input to potential matches by edit distance.
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Info about your dev environment for debugging purposes
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For adding custom commands to allow you to run axe accessibility tests in your NightwatchJS test cases.
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Parses every stack trace into a nicely formatted array of hashes.
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The official WebDriver JavaScript bindings from the Selenium project
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Generates gorgeous HTML reports from mochawesome reporter.

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beatfactor's profile
1906 contributions
garg3133's profile
157 contributions
gravityvi's profile
151 contributions
AutomatedTester's profile
49 contributions
davidlinse's profile
48 contributions
swrdfish's profile
45 contributions
harshit-bs's profile
38 contributions
Dharin-shah's profile
30 contributions
senocular's profile
25 contributions
oanabotezat's profile
21 contributions

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