

Forked version of plotly.js with some hacks for use in Newcrom's products

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Support the dependencies of newcrom/plotly.js

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A JavaScript visualization library for HTML and SVG.
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Visualize flow between nodes in a directed acyclic network.
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D3 sankey with circular links
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turf area module
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turf bbox module
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turf centroid module
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Small module for fitting a canvas element within the bounds of its parent.
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Change alpha value of a color string
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Convert any color data to sanitized output format
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Color string parser
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Convert color string (or parseable argument) to RGBA array
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Hash map of country ISO-3 codes to regular expression identifiers
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Force-directed graph layout using velocity Verlet integration.
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Format numbers for human consumption.
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Shapes and calculators for spherical coordinates.
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Extended geographic projections for d3-geo.
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Layout algorithms for visualizing hierarchical data.
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Interpolate numbers, colors, strings, arrays, objects, whatever!
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A calculator for humanity’s peculiar conventions of time.
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A JavaScript time formatter and parser inspired by strftime and strptime.
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The fast way to check if a JS object is numeric
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gl-matrix's mat4, split into smaller pieces
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Render text with WebGL
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A node.js-style module system for GLSL!
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Check if hover is available on the current device
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Check if passive events are available on the current device
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Check if mobile browser.
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A WebGL interactive maps library
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Mouse state change listener
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get relative position from an event
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Consistent cross browser mouse wheel movement
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Native Promise Only: A polyfill for native ES6 Promises **only**, nothing else.
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svg path parser
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determine if a point is inside a polygon with a ray intersection counting algorithm
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Boolean operations on polygons (union, intersection, difference, xor)
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regl is a fast functional WebGL framework.
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Render error bars for the set of points
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Draw polyline with regl
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Scatter2d plot built with regl
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Scatterplot matrix for 2d plots
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Computes strongly connected components of a directed graph
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Converts text to superscript unicode
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Get signed distance field for a svg path
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Fast Color Parsing and Manipulation
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Convert any CSS unit to logical pixels ("px")
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Manipulate TopoJSON and convert it to GeoJSON.
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gets a WebGLRenderingContext
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Convert between various world calendars
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This plugin transforms ES2015 modules to CommonJS

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etpinard's profile
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archmoj's profile
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jackparmer's profile
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bpostlethwaite's profile
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antoinerg's profile
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alexander-daniel's profile
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rreusser's profile
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theengineear's profile
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andrefarzat's profile
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