

Node.js module that implements the offical mongo api

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Support the dependencies of mongo-js/mongojs

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The official MongoDB driver for Node.js
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the Istanbul command line interface
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Run a function exactly one time
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Node.js Streams, a user-land copy of the stream library from Node.js
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delay the evaluation of a paramless async function and cache the result
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Command line tool for generating a changelog from git tags and commit history
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writable stream that concatenates strings or binary data and calls a callback with the result
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JavaScript Standard Style
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Formatted TAP output like Mocha's spec reporter
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tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
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Asynchronously iterate an array as a series
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parse mongodb connection strings.
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Turns a mongojs or mongodb driver instance to a mongodb-core instance.

Support the repos that depend on mongo-js/mongojs

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HumbleDB for Javascript
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Facts for SuperScript engine
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A MongoDB implementation of the LevelDOWN API
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Simple wrapper to get a mongojs collection
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Promise based mongo driver built on mongojs
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MongoDB-backed job queue for Node.js
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Devebot (-co-) mongojs bridge
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Mongo Cookie Monster is a cookie store backed by MongoDb for tough-cookie module
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Facts for SuperScript engine
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Dynamic Resource Management for configureless Backend as a Service.
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A Backbone.Sync replacement for persisting data on the backend using MongoJS
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Mongo store for the event-store project.
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s p a c e shared services lib
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Generic implementation of the repository pattern for nodejs/mongodb
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A utility framework which provides helpful functionality, primarily for the P Framework.
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An Mongo adapter for Gunjs
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Meshblu Core Dispatcher
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Thin layer on top of mongojs library exposes RxJS interfaces.
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Library for simple collections
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auth service for assets building

Top contributors

mafintosh's profile
203 contributions
saintedlama's profile
190 contributions
sorribas's profile
133 contributions
watson's profile
52 contributions
ForbesLindesay's profile
7 contributions
kapetan's profile
6 contributions
ianjorgensen's profile
6 contributions
christophwalcher's profile
5 contributions
shakefu's profile
4 contributions
JonnyBurger's profile
3 contributions

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