

Pre-built SQL grammars that you can import and “just use”. No configuration necessary.

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Support the dependencies of modeldba/antlr4ts-sql

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TypeScript definitions for jest
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Delightful JavaScript Testing.
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A Jest transformer with source map support that lets you use Jest to test projects written in TypeScript
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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ANTLR 4 runtime for JavaScript written in Typescript
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ANTLR 4 command line tool for TypeScript

Support the repos that depend on modeldba/antlr4ts-sql

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Autocomplete recommendations for SQL statements. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server and Oracle (PL/SQL) dialects.
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High-level SQL parser. Identify tables, columns, aliases and more from your SQL script in one easy to consume object. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server and Oracle (PL/SQL) dialects.

Top contributors

mtriff's profile
12 contributions
modeldba's profile
1 contributions

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