

A static kdtree data structure

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Support the dependencies of mikolalysenko/static-kdtree

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Bit twiddling hacks for JavaScript
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Index calculations for inorder layout of balanced binary trees
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Packs an array-of-arrays into a single ndarray
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Pooled memory for ndarrays
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Linear time selection algorithm for ndarrays
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Common operations for ndarray arrays
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Multidimensional Arrays
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Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
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Initialize an array of arrays to a constant
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tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
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A simple-yet-powerful KD-tree library for NodeJS, with support for lightning-fast k-Nearest Neighbour queries. Supports normalization, weights, key and filter parameters
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Basic libkdtree binding to node
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Generates an array of consecutive integers starting at 0
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Converts an ndarray into an array-of-arrays
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local development server that aims to make using browserify fast and fun
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browser-side require() the node way

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mikolalysenko's profile
54 contributions
zbenjamin's profile
2 contributions
anvaka's profile
1 contributions

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