

Escape XML in javascript (NodeJS)

MIT License
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Support the dependencies of miketheprogrammer/xml-escape

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tap-producing test harness for node and browsers

Support the repos that depend on miketheprogrammer/xml-escape

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cordova-ios release
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High-level API for Single Sign On (SAML 2.0)
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Simple Checkstyle data formatter
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ndm allows you to deploy OS-specific service-wrappers directly from npm-packages.
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create xml with functions and strings
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Stream huge amount of data into an XLSX generated file stream with minimum memory footprint.
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JavaScript bindings for XAPI
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textlint output formatter
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Native Windows notifications for Electron using NodeRT
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No nonsense protocol buffers schema parser written in Javascript, fork from https://github.com/mafintosh/protocol-buffers-schema add proto description support
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Provides a range of filter functions that can be used with many different template libraries.
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Jenkins Executor plugin for Screwdriver
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mocha reporter for sonar (>6)
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Selenium IDE format migrations
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create xml with functions and strings
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Embedded TypeScript.
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SOTE (Static Only Templating Engine) Is a tool to help you build simple HTML sites with some of the bonuses of modern JavaScript frameworks
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convert geojson to kml
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Stream for parsing and returning OSM objects from an OSC or OSM data stream
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Convert orientdb json to graphml
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NativeScript CLI command extensions to add some of the NS Core with JS commands
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Native Windows notifications for Electron using NodeRT
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Native Windows notifications for Electron using NodeRT
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A NodeJS library for converting different kinds of test reports into OpenText SDP / SDM format.
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Report status for OpenWhisk Microservices for Pingdom Uptime (HTTP) checks
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NodeJS connector for the Highrise API
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Generate polished résumés and CVs in HTML, Markdown, LaTeX, MS Word, PDF, plain text, JSON, XML, YAML, smoke signal, and carrier pigeon. This is a fork of hacksalot's repo.
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Helper library for building XML DOMs

Top contributors

miketheprogrammer's profile
7 contributions
bitdeli-chef's profile
1 contributions
danez's profile
1 contributions
melonmanchan's profile
1 contributions

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