

Integration of Jasmine Spec framework with Node.js

MIT License
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Support the dependencies of mhevery/jasmine-node

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Unfancy JavaScript
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A globbing wrapper built from the best parts of other fine watch libs.
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Recursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p`
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Node adapter for RequireJS, for loading AMD modules. Includes RequireJS optimizer
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JavaScript's functional programming helper library.
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Reporters for the Jasmine BDD Framework
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Find files simply. Walks a directory tree emitting events based on what it finds. Presents a familiar callback/emitter/a+sync interface. Walk a tree of any depth.

Support the repos that depend on mhevery/jasmine-node

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Grunt task for running jasmine-node
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Migrate projects to typescript quickly
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FrontEnd Testing Framework
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A source-code pre-processor for 'em all
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Configurable cross browser functional / acceptance test launcher (using Webdriver)
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Doc generation on steroids
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Post and read raw OP_RETURN messages on the Bitcoin blockchain.
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Aliyun SDK for JavaScript
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Implementation of (most of) the OpenMath Standard in JavaScript
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A set of bloom filter implementations for coffee/javascipt.
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WebSpellChecker API is a browser, Node.js client that introduces more convenient way to work with WebSpellChecker Service. It provides methods for spell- and grammar checking on multiple languages, and various methods to work with personal user dictionaries.
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Is a line console to starting the application.
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minimalist websocket pub/sub with regex subscriptions
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transparently require() mercury jsx from node
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Access from node.js apps
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Short string generator for long URLs with no persistence
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Command line tool for creating sound font js files compatible with MIDI.js.
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A library for faking Ajax responses in your Jasmine suite
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Grunt task for running jasmine-node with coffeescript support. Based off of grunt-jasmine-node by Omar Gonzalez (s9tpepper).
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Generate nodejs modules from plain old javascript
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Mimosa module for kicking of your node test suite - whenever you make changes to your code!
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A scriptable task engine
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Client for the Ergast F1 API (

Top contributors

mhevery's profile
53 contributions
tebriel's profile
38 contributions
mtscout6's profile
15 contributions
adomokos's profile
10 contributions
asalant's profile
4 contributions
kevinoid's profile
4 contributions
daomry's profile
4 contributions
timbertson's profile
4 contributions
kevinsawicki's profile
4 contributions
nrstott's profile
3 contributions

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