

Manages views based on (spooky-element)

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Support the dependencies of maxtherocket/spooky-view-manager

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Predicate that returns true for "boolean" values.
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Check if a value is undefined or not.
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a tiny util to mix functions and properties into a prototype
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A lightweight DOM element wrapper with only the essentials (css, on, off, append, prepend ...)
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Handlebars precompiler plugin for Browserify v2
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Handlebars provides the power necessary to let you build semantic templates effectively with no frustration
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modern domready
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GSAP is a framework-agnostic JavaScript animation library that turns developers into animation superheroes. Build high-performance animations that work in **every** major browser. Animate CSS, SVG, canvas, React, Vue, WebGL, colors, strings, motion paths, generic objects...anything JavaScript can touch! The ScrollTrigger plugin lets you create jaw-dropping scroll-based animations with minimal code. No other library delivers such advanced sequencing, reliability, and tight control while solving real-world problems on millions of sites. GSAP works around countless browser inconsistencies; your animations **just work**. At its core, GSAP is a high-speed property manipulator, updating values over time with extreme accuracy.
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dom event binding and triggering
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Babel browserify transform

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maxtherocket's profile
4 contributions
reflektor-digital's profile
2 contributions

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