

A colorful logger with browser-/environment-dependent formatting possibilities, table printing, object depth limiting, string- and array-truncating, etc.

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Support the dependencies of maks-io/cheese-log

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A JavaScript ANSI color/style management. ANSI parsing. ANSI to CSS. Small, clean, no dependencies.
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2KB immutable date time library alternative to Moment.js with the same modern API
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Node.js's util module for all engines
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Babel compiler core.
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A Babel preset for each environment.
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TypeScript definitions for node
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babel module loader for webpack
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Simple monitor script for use during development of a Node.js app.
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Replace alias paths with relative paths after typescript compilation.
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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Packs ECMAScript/CommonJs/AMD modules for the browser. Allows you to split your codebase into multiple bundles, which can be loaded on demand. Supports loaders to preprocess files, i.e. json, jsx, es7, css, less, ... and your custom stuff.
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CLI for webpack & friends
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Format an array of data objects as a textual table
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A deprecated release of the TypeScript compiler
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2 lightweight helper functions to do 'helloWORLD' → 'Helloworld' or 'helloWORLD' → 'HelloWORLD'.
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Platform detection: NodeJS? React? ReactNative? Expo? etc.

Support the repos that depend on maks-io/cheese-log

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A Command Line Tool to avoid that different team members use different package managers by accident, and therefor mess up your repository.
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Fetch instagram picture data from one or more accounts, via long lived tokens

Top contributors

maks-io's profile
53 contributions
dependabot[bot]'s profile
4 contributions

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