

Base encodings for protocol-buffers

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Support the dependencies of mafintosh/protocol-buffers-encodings

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Bridging the gap between buffers and typed arrays
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protobuf-style varint bytes - use msb to create integer values of varying sizes
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JavaScript Standard Style
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tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
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efficiently store signed integers in varint

Support the repos that depend on mafintosh/protocol-buffers-encodings

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Protocol Buffers for Node.js
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An append-only B-tree running on a Hypercore.
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Distributed single writer key/value store
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Model a tree structure on top of an append-only log.
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multilevel implemented using leveldowns with reconnect support
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Protobuf schemas for Hyperdrive and its daemon.
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Heimdall is a secure application server for collaborative, auditable decisions
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The runtime library for hrpc
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SwapKit Lib toolbox cosmos
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An append-only Btree running on a dDatabase.
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Binance mainnet transaction hex decoder.
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Distributed single writer key/value store for the dWeb.
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Create and resolve decentralized identity based Ara identifiers.
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Tendermint ABCI server
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Create and run commands over a RPC protocol stream
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A Hypertrie wrapper that supports mounting of other Hypertries
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THORSwap Lib toolbox-cosmos
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The DHT backing the dWeb network.
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A DWebTrie wrapper that supports mounting of other dWebTries.
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The DHT backing the dwebswarm stack
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TCP forwarding module that allow you to forward client connections and servers to a remote.
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Share an abstract-level database over the network or other kind of stream
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SwapKit Lib toolbox ripple
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Protobuf schemas for dDrive and the dDrive CLI
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An append-only Btree running on a Unichain.
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Hyperdrive is a secure, real time distributed file system
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Decode BTC, ETH, XRP, BNB Raw Transactions HEX
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Provide binance chain transaction build and signature
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Runtime library for DWRPC

Top contributors

mafintosh's profile
11 contributions
HDegroote's profile
1 contributions

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