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Livepeer UI Kit: Video primitives for React

MIT License
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Support the dependencies of livepeer/livepeerjs

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Biome is a toolchain for the web: formatter, linter and more
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TypeScript definitions for node
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C8 coverage provider for Vitest
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V8 coverage provider for Vitest
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UI for Vitest
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output coverage reports using Node.js' built in coverage
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the most correct and second fastest glob implementation in JavaScript
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A JavaScript implementation of many web standards
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Lint files staged by git
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A deep deletion module for node (like `rm -rf`)
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A simple, zero dependency tool for setting up git hooks for small projects
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Bundle your TypeScript library with no config, powered by esbuild
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Turborepo is a high-performance build system for JavaScript and TypeScript codebases.
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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Native-ESM powered web dev build tool
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Next generation testing framework powered by Vite

Support the repos that depend on livepeer/livepeerjs

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a zero configuration discovery service written completely in Javascript
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Ship all kinds of services
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Collection of raaghu-elements
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docker registry server implemented in node
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A very simple MongoDB RESTful proxy
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Spawn and expose docker containers over http and websockets
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Rundfunk is zero-conf distributed event emitter
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An http client that leverages ES6 decorators to design clean and versatile HTTP api

Top contributors

0xcadams's profile
318 contributions
github-actions[bot]'s profile
146 contributions
suhailkakar's profile
9 contributions
dependabot[bot]'s profile
9 contributions
victorges's profile
9 contributions
mjh1's profile
3 contributions
markus-kohler's profile
2 contributions
leszko's profile
2 contributions
iameli-streams's profile
2 contributions
Ahmed-Aghadi's profile
1 contributions

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