

🌈 Create chalk style schemes with simpler style strings

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Support the dependencies of litomore/chalk-pipe

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TypeScript definitions for node
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output coverage reports using Node.js' built in coverage
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development

Support the repos that depend on litomore/chalk-pipe

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Common js utilities used by other UMA packages
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A inquirer plugin for input chalk-pipe style strings
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Create color text with simpler style strings in Ink
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Exception is a custom error library for Node.js that provides a more flexible and customizable way of handling errors.
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Log things, prefixed with a customized format timestamp
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A CLI expense tracking npm package
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Displays Expiring MultiParty on-chain analytics
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Full-stack TypeScript Serverless Framework
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Fast, interactive JavaScript programming.
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This generator aims to initialize iOS and Android native projects (hybrid mobile projects coming soon) through Command Line Interface.
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Command Line Calculator using Node.js, TypeScript, and Inquirer
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Simple Cli to Spin up Scalable & Robust NextJs Application, Beautifully architected for Great DX
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NodeJs CLI application to generate WordPress plugins.
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Node cli to casually harvest captchas from supremenewyork
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Axios interceptor logger for requests query parameters
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npm create, yarn create, template

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LitoMore's profile
64 contributions

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