

An inheritable boilerplate with React, HMR, SSR, sass, react-helmet, express, etc...

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Support the dependencies of layer-pack/lpack-react

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A wrapper for visionmedia/debug logger, adding levels and colored output
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Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates
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wait-on is a cross platform command line utility and Node.js API which will wait for files, ports, sockets, and http(s) resources to become available
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A deep deletion module for node (like `rm -rf`)
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Minimal and efficient cross-platform file watching library
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the complete solution for node.js command-line programs
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React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
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React package for working with the DOM.
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A document head manager for React
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Babel compiler core.
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This plugin transforms static class properties as well as properties declared with the property initializer syntax
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Compile class and object decorators to ES5
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Compile object rest and spread to ES5
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Externalise references to helpers and builtins, automatically polyfilling your code without polluting globals
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A Babel preset for each environment.
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Babel preset for all React plugins.
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babel require hook
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babel's modular runtime helpers
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ESLint parser that allows for linting of experimental syntax transformed by Babel
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babel module loader for webpack
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Remove unnecessary React propTypes from the production build
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A webpack plugin to remove/clean your build folder(s).
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Standard library
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Simplifies creation of HTML files to serve your webpack bundles
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HTTP proxying for the masses
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json loader module for webpack
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parse argument options
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Use Custom Properties Queries in CSS
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PostCSS plugin to import CSS files
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React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
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the definitive JavaScript type testing library
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Hard cache the source of modules in webpack.
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Webpack plugin to make inheritable code layers, named glob imports, easy multi packages app & shared webpack configs
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PostCSS plugin to reduce calc()
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Allow postcss to support inline comments
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An **EXPERIMENTAL** Webpack plugin to enable "Fast Refresh" (also previously known as _Hot Reloading_) for React components.

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