

A collection of utilities for Nuxt server.

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Support the dependencies of lauvz/nuxt-server-utils

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Toolkit for authoring modules and interacting with Nuxt
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Natively integrates Plausible Analytics into Nuxt
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The Nuxt DevTools gives you insights and transparency about your Nuxt App.
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ESLint config for Nuxt projects
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Nuxt types and default configuration
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Test utilities for Nuxt
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TypeScript definitions for node
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Mongoose MongoDB ODM
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Nuxt is a free and open-source framework with an intuitive and extendable way to create type-safe, performant and production-grade full-stack web applications and websites with Vue.js.
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Next generation testing framework powered by Vite
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TypeScript-first schema declaration and validation library with static type inference

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jahidanowar's profile
29 contributions
LAUVz's profile
12 contributions

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